Monday, August 29, 2011

a random post for my friends esp stj 0408. i love you guys.

They say you never appreciate what you have until you have lost it, I find that much to be true. I have friends that I cherish with my life, and when shit goes down and they are not feeling good, I feel the same pain that they do, because I really don't like to see my friends in their anguish. I appreciate them for being in my life, and for being my friends, so if anything goes down and they need a shoulder I will be there for them. However things are not always reciprocated, and that is when animosity starts to build. Some of the people I know tend to try to use me as a welcome mat, to get what they want, and not even necessarily need. I find that disrespectful because when it comes down to it, all the wants and desires become monetary. And when they have a history of being a flake when it comes to things of monetary value, it is really hard to trust them with your money that you earned, saved, and worked for. And when you do not help them out with their problems, they try to make you feel bad. That is fucked up considering all the emotional support that I gave them out of my own time, during times when I should be studying and working on projects, I was consoling them over their emotional problems. I have a mental journal of most of the shit that goes on in other people's lives because I talk to them when they are down, in tears, or torn up. But once those pieces are put back together, its like nothing ever happened before. This makes me feel a little bit unappreciated so I tend to avoid the people that do that to me, just to cut off some of the distance I have with them.

The little things that people do for you, just out of the blue lets you know that the person is thinking about you, and thanks you for being in their life. This could be from a random email saying "Hey! there really isn't a purpose in this email, other than to say hi and how are you!" to a random gift to the people just because you know that they like that item when you walk past it and you buy it for them, or a random phone call just to say hi. While I was in stj, I was going to get my books and materials of the sorts, I walked past a food stall. Knowing some of my friends and their love for food, I used some of the money that I was going to use for books to buy them food, just because I was thinking about them. The little things you do for other people can mean a whole lot in other people's eyes. These small little details can brighten up the darkest nights that the person is having, just because they know you care, and that you are there for them if they ever need someone to kick it with, to talk to, and have some genuine heart to heart with. So appreciate your friends! People come into and leave our lives constantly, those that leave are disposable anyways, but those that stay...hold on tight because they are gonna be the motherfuckers that keep you afloat when you need them. The little actions that show you care, have great reactions.

love, peace, chicken grease.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Oftentimes, I encounter some people who send messages or texts to me in a language that I cannot understand. This language is so complex, its a wonder how people could understand it. It is like a bunch of stupid people had a gathering on how to piss off people with a higher intellect, and this is what they came up with. An annoying form of broken Engrish. Yes, I said Engrish. Listening to people with heavy accents and minimal knowledge of the language is easier to decipher than this bunch of shit. Because an immigrant person who knows little English, does not beat around the bush. They go from Point A to Point B with what they want. "How to go Downtown" That was not even necessarily a question nor does it need to be grammatically correct, but I am able to understand that the person wants to go to downtown. It takes me and some of my friends a good chunk of our precious time to decipher what sort of stupid is sent to us through any devices. As I read these messages, I can feel the blood in the veins of my eyes start to boil because I get angry when I am given dosages of stupid that I do not want to take. Think of it like the Hulk, the more stupid I am exposed to, the angrier I get. And the angrier I get, the more I want to choke the fuck out of the person who sent me the message. Reading messages like "hI!! hWz iT g01n?? R u bZy 2mRw?? o4Rl??? DaT sUx! dO u wnt 2 g0 2 dA mOvEeZ wIf mE n mAiI fReNzZ?" makes me want to take the phone or keyboard and slam it across the face of the sender, even if they are my friends. First of all, your question is already moot, because I probably deleted it anyways after hiring an Ace team of code breakers and linguists. Second of all, Shut the fuck up. If you cannot speak like a normal person that anyone could understand if they could speak that language. Kindly shut the fuck up, and run into a tree until you can speak the language correctly. Then talk to me, and ask me about going to the movies. Or if you even want to save time on texting, you could always just FUCKING CALL THE PERSON.