Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This is my 4th post this month after two months without any fuckin update..the truth is I have not been updating because nothing has been pissing me off lately. A new spark, however, ignited an entire cluster-fuck of rage that I have been holding down. Now, we are all, for the most part, grown up enough to know the usage/grammar/meaning of words now...right? Then why the fuck are people still mixing up "Their", "There", "They're"? Yes, at times we may mess up and write one of those three, but are you able to catch your mistake? If you think theirs nothing wrong with writing that, slap the fuck out of yourself (if you scanned over "theirs" without stopping to say "that's wrong"...also go slap yourself). If you did, congratulations.

Here is another cluster of words that are commonly misused. "Could of", "Should of", "Would of". If you are staring at the screen going "I don't see anything wrong with that", drop out of college. If you still do not understand why that is wrong, take a look at the words carefully...now tell me what do those words mean? I'll give you some time to to think about it.
They do not mean shit.
What you are thinking of is "Could've, Should have, Would've". I do not even want to explain the definition of those words. It should be already ingrained into your heads during your childhood school days.

I'm done.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

pissed off.

When I go to restaurants, I expect good service and attitude from the employees that work there. Not some bitch ass motherfucker who wants nothing to do with the establishment serving my food. When I get to the table, the first thing I want is water. Simple request ain't it? For some employees, its like I want them to climb Mount Everest and fetch me some pure purified glacial water. No, I just want some simple ass plain water, but even that takes forever to get from the kitchen to a cup, and finally to my table. After the decades of waiting for my ice cold beverage, I find that the employee bringing the water probably wants to spill that shit on my shirt. Why? Because the fucking employees will just toss that damn cup onto the table like it was their fucking car keys. Now all of this is all hypothetical of course. But if it was not...would you tip this asshole of an employee? I would not. But to each his own, right? After I order my food, and side dishes, and appetizers and what not...that takes another four hours of my life. When the food finally comes, I have already converted my diet to human flesh, and cannibalized the neighboring people. The service of some restaurants is just sluggish. It is like the establishment is having snails run the place( haha, snail..run). After complaining to the manager or the employee, you will fear biting into a snot/spit filled plate of your ordered dish because some people are assholes like that. After an unpleasant meal, the check comes, and you look at the amount...you think to yourself and say..."hmm...should I tip the people?". Now normally in a good restaurant with good service, you would tip the people...maybe even more than they deserve. But since you are in a shitty restaurant in this scenario, I would highly doubt that you would tip those bitches. In another situation where you might be in a good restaurant, nice atmosphere, people enjoying themselves in there...you would feel comfortable. The waitress or waiter comes to greet you with a smile instead of mugging at you. You would feel a lot better tipping the server. So for people who wants to go into the restaurant business...don't hire or be assholes. Always treat your customers with a smile and with courtesy, that way you could milk them for more tips.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Safe sex. Something we've all learned...but most rarely do. This topic is in relation to the teen pregnancy topic that I learnt earlier. In secondary school, we learned about safe sex, health, and the human anatomy. I am positive that all the teachers have beaten safe sex over and over with a club to make sure people understand it, and will utilize it in the future. However, that seems to not be the case, because I have seen people in their sophomore year get pregnant. Sophomore. That is the second year in high school. And they got pregnant already. That is some stupid shit. For the people who are so ignorant that it blinds common sense...condom prevents babies. Do you want to be responsible for a mistake that you accidentally had with a guy/girl you thought you "loved"? Well one thing is for sure...if you did not use a condom, you are fucked...quite literally and metaphorically. One of three things can happen...

1: You get someone/get pregnant.
2: You transmit diseases.
3: you would be psychologically/emotionally hurt. And
4: AIDS.

Yes I noticed I said three, but AIDS is too big to fit in the category of numbers...even though it is 4. I digress, if you are smart enough to make your own decisions, you should be old enough to handle the consequences of stupid and bad decisions. I can feel no pity on people who repeatedly choose to get pregnant, or a person who's gotten so many people pregnant that they have to pay for them all. They deserve what they get, because they did not know that stupid is the downfall of one's life. Safe sex prevents pregnancy, the ruining of someone's life, and diseases (which I am sure no one would want to feel the burn when they pee..amirite? Or AIDS). Abstinence and celibacy are the only ways you could ever not get a disease or pregnant...but I am certain that most of the ignorant fucks out there fucking do not know what those two words mean.

Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool.


Is it me or has the meaning of pretty changed for the worst? Sometimes I get bored and surf the internet for things to amuse myself with, whether it be the misfortune of other people, the mentally disabled, or anything that repulses people that are sheltered. During those pursuits of entertainment, at times I stumble across networking sites and things like craigslist where people put up pictures of themselves. Being totally disinterested, and without things better to do...my curiosity leads me to read what these people have to say. Most people, women especially, like to think of themselves as attractive. No one wants to be unattractive, but people also do not like to be deceived (or do they? that's beside the point). When a person says "I am a beautiful wo/man" one would expect something along the lines of being easy on the eyes. I'm not trying to say you have to look like Ms. Universe or Ryan Reynolds in order to be "beautiful" or "hot" or whatever else, but let's be reasonable here. I always find it amusing when I stumble across women's description of themselves as being hot or beautiful, then quickly finding out that they look like Shrek or Chuckie. It is sort of like "ahhhhhhhh...you got me theeeeeeeeeere" kind of thing, and it makes me laugh...as well as die a little bit on the inside.