While keeping up on blawgs I was happy to see that i'm not the only one cleaning out my social networking sites. Yesterday I chose to delete people I haven't talked to or who I was just lingering in their general "collection" of friends. i have been thinking a lot about social networking sites in general. I came to the conclusion that I want to use them as they're meant to be used--for keeping in touch and networking. Not networking as in, "Hey we met last night, we had some laughs so I thought I would add you." No, that just doesn't cut it anymore. Especially with the internet's ability to quickly turn the private into the public.
I've learned that I want to network the old fashioned way. You know, where you actually stay in touch and up-to-date with the people you know because you 1) want to, and 2) never know when that relationship can come in handy (need a good plumber? need a reference?). So I took a look at my friends and for the most part deleted anyone that I wouldn't or couldn't pick the phone up and call.
From now on I will try my best to only "friend" those that fall into the above description.
I suppose this is just one of many small steps I'll be making toward becoming a more professional individual. Which kinda sucks.
the most important thing is..i wont delete my school friends!
they were hillarious..they made my school days awesome!
actually i just found out me and LOTS of my friends were deleted by one of my friends..hahah
I am often asked by friends as well as others about the kind of music I grew up on and listened to as a teenager. While I started out listening to Heavy Metal(I still love to listen to it), around 2004 my tastes began to gear more toward the eclectic. I still loved Metal(and still do) but I wanted something different. This was before Grunge and Metal was still popular. But people were starting to kind of get tired of it. I remember playing in school bands and doing the whole thing and just feeling like I wasn't feeling like I belonged here. But I began to become inspired by alot of the newer sounds that were coming from the underground. I understand why metal died out after the 80's. But I didn't like the direction that Rock took in the 90's. Except, in the early(very early) 90's. It seems that in the years of 1989 to 1993, music became interesting. I am not a big fan of Grunge, but I love the music that came right before it took hold.
These were also my major teenage years so that may be why have have an affinity for this music. I am always amused when people try to pinpoint what my musical "tastes" are. Some think I only like fast guitar music. Some think I only like loud heavy music. None has ever been able to totally pinpoint my musical tastes which I find frustrating and refreshing. But over the years, I've grown tired of trying to explain my tastes mainly because I'm not sure that even I could do that. So I've created a list of some of my favorite albums that came out during my latter years as a teen. While not all of these are that well known today, and I'm sure that alot of people have never heard of some of these albums, they still have had a profound impact on me as an artist and a musician. I encourage everyone to check out these albums as well as other works by these artists. While this is not indended as a "best albums of all time" list, it is meant to show where the music would have gone if grunge had never taken over and how exciting it would have been. It is also meant to give people an idea of how vast my tastes really are and why it is so difficult to accurately explain what kind of music I like in a few simple words. This is the stuff I listen to when I think back to my teenage years. I'm sure many of you will be surprised. I guess the one common element of all of these is that they all had steller musicianship as well as individuality and substance.
I realized that it's impossible for me to feel completely prepared for an exam. It also seems so unnatural to completely switch gears after an exam and move on to the next subject. I also found that the day after an exam I was pretty much useless. I joked that unbeknowst to me I was somehow attacked by zombies as I had no energy and could not focus at all. Make note--no focus still means you have to somehow focus, which translates into "not cool."
I now envy the fact that my best friend read romance novels throughout ou school days. I wish I could do the same. I suppose I could read romance novels now that exams are over but it wouldn't be the same. Maybe it was her zombie like moment?
Exams--eh. I hand wrote them this semester and I now realize that I could benefit from typing them next semester. It's not that I can't type, its moreso that I can't organize my thoughts well and type at the same time. I think its something that I'm going to try to work on over the break. Yes, I'm crazy. I'm going to continue to take torts exams over break so that I learn how to think through these crazy questions and exams.
After each exam some friends and I went out to eat and relaxed. We didn't talk about the exams, we didn't talk about the next exam, we just chillaxed. It was exactly what we needed and it's nice to know that when all things are said and done you've got friends to turn. More importantly, you've got friends who will understand you're too exhausted to talk. You have no idea how many waiters I thrilled by having them decide my entire meal, down to what I drank and what I had for dessert!
One thing I can't help but think about is my exam questions. I find myself still issue-spotting or rethinking my application of certain rules. Oh well, there's nothing I can do now. I just wish it wouldn't pop into my head at random points in the day. Our lecturer said that the usual A only gets about 60% of the issues, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad.
Exams completely drain you. I took the longest shower today and completely scrubbed myself. I haven't felt attractive in weeks. I haven't eaten as healthy as I should. And sleep is slowly coming back to me. I've got five weeks before I start the process over again and I'm going to hone in on being lazy. In other words, no, I don't plan on starting my early assignments any time soon.
I was trying to explain to my dad how draining exams are. He doesn't quite get it. He asked me if I thought I did ok, to which I responded "meh." Then he asked me if I had talked about the exam with a classmate he met. I said no because just talking about the exam and how other people approached the questions can drive you insane. He still didn't see what the big deal was and looking back I can say that I didn't think talking about your exams would pose a problem. Oh how I was wrong! I had to politely ask others around me to not talk about the exam, I had to be rude at times, I had to stand my ground and not let others destroy my perfect post-exam bliss. I suppose I shouldn't call it bliss, however there was a zen-like calmness to being done with an exam.
Next semester, I hope to have similar thoughts on exams. I also hope that my organic chem outline is done before the exam...but I'm not going to think about that now.